“The Purge 3”: New Story Idea or the Return of a Familiar Face


Frank Grillo, star of The Purge: Anarchy, is rumored to be returning for the third installment of the franchise, The Purge 3. John Squires reported for Dread Central that the next film should not have the actor return. Grillo played “Sergeant”, a well-prepared hero with weapons, a spectacular car that could challenge the Bat mobile, and enough bent up anger that never allows him to be sidetracked from his revenge mission.

Squires seemed pretty confident with his opinion about not including Grillo in The Purge 3; however, I definitely see the pros and cons of including him and not including him. I understand wanting to bring the Sergeant back because his character and Grillo’s performance was incredible. Sergeant saves a mother and his daughter just as they are about to be killed, anything and everything is legal during a certain time frame, on the “holiday” known as The Purge. Even though Sergeant rather work and survive on his own, he still accepts a small group of random strangers to join him on this bloodbath of a day.

Sergeant is a fan favorite character that some may be extremely upset if he is not present in the next sequel. The Purge 3 without Grillo acting in it will permit for a completely new storyline and allow for more creative freedom. The Purge and The Purge 2: Anarchy have completely different story concepts. Bringing Grillo back would interrupt the cohesiveness of featuring various actors and introducing distinctive plotlines.

I would enjoy seeing Grillo return and see Sergeant in the Purge environment again. On the other hand, the franchise began with singular story concepts and I would rather see the franchise stay loyal to their initial roots and create new characters and stories. The concept of the franchise allows for endless possibilities of how individuals in the movie world could handle the Purge holiday. The lack of creativity or possible ideas should not be an issue for the future of the franchise.

In the meantime, catch up and watch the trailer for The Purge 2: Anarchy:

We will get to see how it all plays out, if Grillo returns or it is a completely new concept, when The Purge 3 is released on July 1, 2016.