“The Walking Dead” Spinoff Series

AMC’s The Walking Dead is scheduled to have a spinoff series from the creator, Robert Kirkman. The new series was originally reported to be a prequel to the hit zombie show. However, Kirkman announced at a panel on Saturday at SXSW that the spinoff would initially start off as a prequel and show viewers how the zombie apocalypse began. According to IGN, Kirkman also said the show will eventually catch up to the original show and will not remain a prequel.

Kirkman told EW.com about the spinoff series, “not going to relate to the comics at all. From the beginning of the show one thing we’ve heard is, ‘What’s going on over here or there.’ So the intent of the new show is to expand that world and show another corner of the United States and what’s happening there.”

Kirkman also said, “Rick Grimes woke up from a coma and was like, ‘Oh, man, zombies, weird!’ We’re going to possibly see that unfold a little more in the other show. But I wouldn’t call it ‘prequel’ because the entirety of the show is not going take place before (The Walking Dead). It will eventually form a path running concurrently.”

The Walking Dead creator also stated that the spinoff show would have its own characters and situations making it unique and its own entity.

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