9 Horror Movies to Watch on Netflix (Sept. 2016)


Here’s a little insight on this particular article. Some co-workers asked for my horror movie recommendations to watch on Netflix that weren’t necessarily “well-known”. Since there were too many options and they asked for a new suggestion after finishing the last, I decided to write them down. Here are my horror genre suggestions available for streaming as of today, September 16. This is solely based on content I’ve personally watched on Netflix. They each have their own unique theme and aspects that I highly appreciate. Hope you have fun watching these films! Here are my favorites in descending order:


9.) Re-Animator

This 1985 movie is pretty good for its time and brought dead people back to life before The Walking Dead did it. The title explains it all, a medical student experiments with human remains and he conjures up some human animation.


8.) Wes Craven’s New Nightmare

Let’s take a moment of silence for the late Wes Craven, rest in horror royalty peace!

Now, this one is interesting because the actor’s from A Nightmare on Elm Street play themselves with Freddy Krueger chasing them in the real world. New Nightmare was released in 1994, just 10 years after the original A Nightmare on Elm Street was released.


7.) Creep

I appreciate this film because it does a lot considering its low budget, similar to Hush. It’s great when content can still create suspense and eeriness without fake CGI alterations. The production company behind this 2014 movie is Blumhouse Productions. If you aren’t familiar with the name, Blumhouse is responsible for titles like Paranormal Activity, The Purge, Sinister, and Insidious just to name a few. Creep takes place none other than in the woods and starts with a Craigslist’s ad. The title is starting to make sense now, right?

6.) The Invitation

I was initially hesitant to continue watching this 2015 movie because it does start off a little slow but please give it a chance. This is somewhat similar to Hush. It does pick up speed and it details what occurs when a former couple copes with their emotions after a death.


5.) The Awakening

This 2011 British film has some good actors (I’m sure you Harry Potter fans will appreciate seeing Imelda Staunton). This is about a woman named Florence who works to debunk paranormal incidents. Makes sense since we all know at least one unbeliever. Florence visits a boarding school and well you know what they say, children can be pretty creepy.


4.) Hush

This is the most recent film on my list coming out this year in 2016. It’s about a novelist who retreats to a house in the woods (yes, I agree the woods as a film backdrop is effective but also slightly overused). The novelist lives alone and quickly finds that she isn’t the only one stepping on her grounds. Oh, and she’s also deaf. Blumhouse Productions also worked on this one.


3.) The Babadook


I’m a pretty huge fan of this Australian film (and I love saying “Ba-baaa-doooooook”) from 2014. Noah Wiseman, who plays the young boy Samuel, does a great job acting in this and he could not have been much older than six or seven-years-old during filming. I like the mood and coloring of the film. Side note: a friend once told me they pictured me living in a house similar to one the in the film and you know what? My friend was certainly correct. Not everyone will like this but I like how it’s different from other horror films.


2.) Tucker and Dale vs Evil

This funny and gory tale was released in 2010 and it pretty much has everything for everyone. Two harmless friends end up in crazy mix-up with some preppy college kids in woods. If you’re a fan of wacky (not as wacky as Final Destination deaths though, these deaths are slightly more realistic) accidental deaths and chainsaws, this is for you.


1.) The Exorcist

(Yes, this is pretty well-known but I had to put it on the list since I’m pleasantly surprised it’s even on Netflix.)

You absolutely can’t go wrong with watching this 1973 classic. Bonus: you can actually experience The Exorcist world in person by attending Universal Studio’s Halloween Horror Nights both in Hollywood and Orlando. Plus! The FOX network is also releasing a TV series premiering on September 23. Exorcisms are definitely having a blessed year.



If you want something weird and super different try: V/H/S and V/H/S 2. I’m not sure if I’m fond of these two but I appreciate them thinking outside the box and having mini stories in the films.


Let me know if you watch any of these and what you think!